
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Never Ending Dream

Remember the time when you watched how cool the man wearing his red underwear on the outside , with his equally silly red cape on the back ( ok , it was probably cool back then when we were still young ) , beating the crap out of bad villians and saving the world numerous time in that small idiot box , and you suddenly thought " Wow , how cool , I wanted to be like that too in the future ! " . Remember ? No ? Well , neither do I . 

Perhaps some of you have had the chance to watch Superman cartoons during your childhood , but for me , instead of cartoons , my childhood were filled with Japanese animes , lots and lots of animes , Dragonball , Digimon , Pokemon ,  Doraemon and etc ( Otaku alert ) . So yeah , with that much anime influence , all the aspirations that I had during my early childhood was pretty much impossible to become reality ( Think doing a kamehameha , i.e manifesting your spiritual ki into some bursts of energy that can destroy the earth , or be like Doraemon , taking some random gadgets that will just help solve your life's problem ) How convenient huh ? 

I digressed . Anyway , the point is , in your childhood or at any given point of time , there must be someone that you look up to , whom you aspires to emulate and be like him / her . It may be some fictional characters from tv , or some real life people like some cool musicians , life-saving policemen , or etc . You get the idea . 

But , along the way , all of those dreams , those ambitions ,aspirations got lost as we "grow up " and be more " realistic " . People tell you " Musicians don't earn alot " , " Policemen survive by getting bribery " ," Get real , be a doctor / engineer " and all sorts of things that puts you down , and distorts your ideal dream . To a certain extent , that is true , but it doesn't apply to everything and everyone . Everyone's life is different . Each and every one of us has their own life journey and all of us walks on different path , that connects us to the same end : Death . 

It's a stark contradiction . All of us started off with the light of hope , the beginning of all , the wonders of the possibilities the future holds , yet in the end , no matter how rich , famous , successful or not , all of us will still end up dead . Sadly , not many are aware of such realizations , and in the face of their fleeting life , they procrastinated , delayed the very important dreams that their heart desire , and finally ended up with regrets and remorse . Why ? 

As you grow up , a lot of people will start telling you things that they never experienced before , things like " it cannot be done " , "there's no future in that " , either because they failed at their ventures , or they simply followed the mainstream advice that they were given when they were young . Unfortunately , many actually allowed other people's word to shake their own convictions and belief . So , they abandoned their dreams , followed what other people told them .

Study day long and night . Memorizing cold hard facts and figures , regurgitating them during examinations , and forgetting them afterwards . The vicious cycle continues until you graduate and get a single piece of paper that seems to be able summarize your years of education . Get a decent job . Got stuck in the rat race . Work day long and night at a 9-5 job , most of the time having the need to work overtime . Felt that it's worthwhile when you get your pay check , splurge it all on expensive materialistic pleasures ( designer clothes , handbags , etc ) . Go back to work again . 

It's terrifying to envision that kind of life . Could you even call it life when it felt so lifeless ? I shudder every time I thought of such life . But yet every year , there are still lots of people who got stuck in the same vicious cycle . Only a few privileged ones are able to escape this trap by having the courage of pursuing their dreams , passionately chasing them with everything they had . And more often than not , these are the people who ended up being successful . 

You hear successful people who said they wake up fueled with energy to go to "work" everyday , in line with the cliched " Love your job , and you will never be working a single day in your life again " . But it's true . Just find the one thing that your heart really desires the most , and chase it with everything you have , persevering till the end and most likely , you will end up enjoying your life more than anyone else. 

But then again , as with all the other complicated decisions in life , we need to be realistic when it comes to these kind of thing . What about the money ? Can I really do it ? What if I failed ? These common questions and an onslaught of other questions will likely fill your mind when you want to make the decision . Well , this is normal and in fact you should rightfully try to answer those questions before proceeding further . 

Common sense dictates that we need to at least have some back up plan should we fail . For the money , you could either collect a bulk of money or any form of financial safety net first before proceeding with your dreams . As for the skills , if you had any plan in the first place , you should probably start enhancing or empowering your skills to match those skill sets needed to realize your dream right ? So there you have it , assuming that you have accomplished all of the above , you're ready to go !

However , most people often fails in achieving all of them , or even any of them , and thus gave up on pursuing their dreams . To this , I say , better to fail trying than to die regretting . I have heard this advice from many successful entrepreneurs : " Start young , because , even if you fail , you still have plenty of chances to start over again . When you are an adult , there will be more responsibilities that you need to carry that prevents you from trying to pursue your dream .  " .

True enough , the path of realizing our dreams is far and tough , and we will probably trip a lot in that journey . So , if we are gonna trip anyway , might as well trip earlier ? 

Finally , there are always time when reasons and rationale fails , yet you feel very strongly to do it . This is when your gut feeling comes into handy . One of my personal motto is to believe in my instinct whenever I have hard time making a decision . So far , it has proved to be more successful and brought me more delighting experiences than painful ones . And if my personal experience doesn't convince you , feel free to search around for countless successful people who have attributed instinct as their key to success . 

The thing is , there are times when you just have to trust your gut feeling and take a plunge into it , no matter what the risk is . When you feel very strongly / passionate for a cause ( think something like a cause worth dying for ? something that you advocate ) , you will definitely be able to pull all the stops to make it work ! And that's when you can realize your dream .

If you have managed to read until here , congratulations . Sorry for the lengthy post , with many irrelevant rants scrambled everywhere in the post . Funny enough , one of my lecturer for entrepreneurship emphasized on being succinct and brief in writing , and specifically pointed out bloggers as one of the worst example of doing that , as bloggers always tend to write everything in their mind , filling it with irrelevant musings that is unrelated to the main points . I concur , but that's what make blogging so interesting I guess , because it portrays the writing style of the blogger and also the anecdotes and subtle writing nuances that separates them from other writers / bloggers.

By writing this post, I hope to inspire some people to do something about their life because , like it or not , most probably when we graduate ( students of my batch ) , majority of us will end up in the situation I mentioned earlier . Also , there are definitely times when you feel like pursuing things that seems totally different , contradictory even to what you are studying now . ( example an engineering student wants to be a musician ? ) . 

There are many facades to a person . For me , I think sometimes when I get fired up by some motivational speech by entrepreneur , I feel very deeply to want to become entrepreneurs : that's my business side . When I watch some really talented people performing in youtube , I would yearn to one day be a musician , dancer or even performing artists , no matter how musically untalented I am : that's my artistic side . But there can only be one dream , no many how many facades you have , filter them out and look for that one thing that you really wanted to do .  Pursue your dream . Don't let detractors and haters to prevent you from realizing your dreams .  YOUR ambition , YOUR aspiration , YOUR life .

Inspirations for this post comes from 2 sources : 
1) To The Moon soundtrack - "Everything's Alright " by Laura Shigihara
Amazing game , with its beautiful story , coupled with this emotion stirring song , it seems to be the perfect testament that in this materialistic era where money seems to connote pleasure , we can still derive great pleasure from artistic pursuits such as this .

Mr Ang Lee , the successful director of Life of Pi , with his speech on his Oscar award . Perfectly captures the importance of dream and the difficulties that one has to go through to achieve them . A must read for people looking for inspirations . Truly goes to show what people can achieve just by relentlessly chasing their dream .

= Nuffnang =