
Monday, November 23, 2009

Post-Exam Days ~

After the much dreaded final examination , finally comes the long awaited happy big break. Well, this long break is supposedly filled with much joy, happiness and fun but I have yet to see any of that as of now.

In fact , the starting of my holiday seems pretty dull and filled with nothing but the occasional outing to cybercafes ,which I think is pretty lifeless and pointless,plus wasting money. But oh well, I guess that's what guys do =] .

Either way , again , as the big break approaches , this marks the near end of 2009 ,paving way to the new 2010,a new beginning,signifying yet the end of another chapter of my life.

So,again it is that time of the year again, the time of reflection .
So,dear readers (if there are any ), be warned that the following post will be filled with nothing but countless boring and dull words , coupled with a lot of emoness and pessimism. ok, you have been warned =D

As a young lad born under the star of capricorn , i was always the one having the skeptical and pessimistic perspective towards the world. Being a capricornus , it is only natural for me to be devoid of optimism and filled instead with the emotional feelings and extra sensitivity towards others.

As I grow up , I realised, I wasn't the type that could organise my thoughts and stuffs perfectly.I wasn't the systematic, calculative ,and manipulative type that have everything under control. In fact, I was the more emotional wan, the one more concentrated on feelings and emotions.

I wonder , is it a blessing or curse?

Either way , now that the holiday is here, the usual resolutions should be up too by now.

In this holiday , I vow to learn chinese, learn guitar more efficiently,exercise to be fit and most importantly, to study or at least revise .

Still, talk is cheap , and especially on a guy whose innate nature concentrates more on feelings and less on facts , figures and organisation , I wonder how this would be accomplished ? Things are rather complicated now. I can only wish that the storm will be over soon and the bright,warm light from the sun shall penetrate through the clouds of darkness and dawn upon me once more.

Truth to be told, I am not really in the mood to blog now.Hardly anything comes into my mind now save the plethoras of thoughts ,mostly pointless and perplexing ones being there to confuse me further.

Perhaps next time when the next event unfold, shall I blog again . Until then, may everything be well, for you and me =D


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= Nuffnang =