
Saturday, September 20, 2008


Oh wow, Just in a blink of an eye,today is already 20th of September, and I still remember the day that I complained time is moving way too slow.How unbelievable,3 months ago I was complaining that there were still a long time to go for SPM, and just in a nick of time, here I am , having just merely one more month or so.Truth to be told, I ain't satisfied.Not with my recent poor performance in academical studies and future plans.And I am still unprepared yet.

However, I am glad. Glad that time is moving fast. Glad that it is finally coming to an end.And after this storm, there shall be a peaceful dawn.Or so I hoped.Yesterday night,I was struck dumbfounded with a nice instrumental song.This is the song , called " Get Over (Instrumental ) -Dream ) " What a soft,nice and melodious song.. It has been a while since I get to listen to this kind of song.

Now,I am still listening to that song.It is of no secret that I am fan for this genre of song,which is soft,ballad-like genre.It truly connects with my heart in some way and makes me recollect my fond memories.So,just sitting down,listening to it and feeling the gentle breeze of wind shoving pass your face isn't that bad of experience after all.To some extend, it makes me recall what I have done over the past few years and how much I have grown.

Sadly,I must say, nothing barely change over the past few years.True,I might still be the little immature kid I once were,but I think I did be able to instill some logics and rationale in my thinking as compared to my thoughtless self last time.I became more aware of my appearance,my desires, my thoughts and more importantly my future.But there are also things that remained unchanged.My attention-seeking personality, my thoughtless speech,my lazy attitude... and of course my childish self remains largely unchanged.

When just recalling of all the past events, I became quite mad at myself.Why did I do that at that moment?There are a lot of moments that I simply hates and wish I could think first before doing such ridiculous actions.There are embarrassing moments, sad moments, hurtful moments,and other simply stupid moments where I am being ridiculous.I hate myself for being lazy,I hate myself for doing stupid things,and more importantly I hate myself when I meant well,but accidentally hurting others.

Still,no matter what it is, no matter what happened , they are already the past.No matter how hard I try to change or erase them,those fond moments will always be part and parcel of my life.Of course,there are sweet memories too.Now, I would just like to say, to those that I met in msn or real life, to those that I had always chat with or others which I simply says hi and the conversation ends, to those that I adored and loved, to those that I hated and despised, to those that I confided in, to all those friends and people that I talked to even just for once,no matter who you are, You have definitely affected my life in one way or another.

As such, I hereby offers my sincerest thanks for all that you have done.Without you all, my life would simply be an empty hole, nothing but a formless void.Again, Thank you.I would deeply cherish this memories that you had gave me forever and ever . I wish you all good luck in your life. biggrin

(The last two paragraphs are influenced by this post ) XD

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Past,present and future.

Finally, a day rest.. Well, technically , 2morrow is supposed to be a day off for all the students.Somehow,I just can't help but to feel that it will be another hectic day demanding for more studies and efforts to be poured in.I don't have the right to say tat actually.How stupid am I to just realise tat mere reading won't get you the desired results.I lack exercises.... Sure,I learnt my lesson,but the price to pay for that is a high one...

Yesterday,yesterday and yesterday,
I live,
Not knowing what will happen next,
Not knowing what to do,
Just blindly continue living.
As the course of time began to shift,
People began to change,
Memories began to fade,
Friends became enemies,
Love became hatred,
At the end of the day,
Only remnants of memories remained.

I live,
In the so-called-bittersweet present,
Living in a life of denial,
Keep on denying the fact that the past has gone.
Living in the shadow of yesterday,
I regretted and remorsed,
For not cherishing my past,
For taking things for granted,
For not savouring every moment of my life now,
At the end of the day,
The feelings disappeared,
Only to have history repeats it self,
Once more...

Tomorrow,tomorrow and tomorrow,
Life's but an endless test,
Repeating itself over and over again,
Though time may change,
And memories may fade,
But till time invites me to a dusty death,
Shall I continue living,
Thinking about you,
Cherishing the beautiful memories we once shared,
And treasuring the bonds between us.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I skipped tuition, knowing that there won't be anything useful for me to learn and I will be just wasting my time there.I rather stay at home and revise by myself.2morrow is the day , one of my major exams.But still ,nothing much I suppose.Thinking back,3 years after this, will I still be having any concern for this exam thingy?How far will it affect my life?After all, our whole life is a never-ending exam.So,why the fear for exam?Still,I suppose,like any other normal 17 year old teenager should be doing, I should be worrying about it.It does play a role in my college entry after all.I must say,I am definitely not fully prepared yet.

Actually, exam is nothing but a trick.A clever trick devised to fool the entire community of students, and there are plot holes everywhere to score an exam.For instances, one may cheat by various means ( e.g putting books in toilet, referring to them in certain way, copy friends ) But of course , I am not encouraging that way or using them either.For a normal,hardworking A1 student,exam means it is time to bury yourself with endless facts , biographies,definitions and everything else in the book.However,if we were to look at it from the other side, we would discover that it really isn't a test to memorize and understand the whole thing.It is just a gimmick , a trick , like I mentioned earlier.One can actually do well in exam even though he/she doesn't study all the facts in the book.How?

Well,think of it this way.Lets say there are approximately 200+ pages in a reference book,but in the exam, there will always be only a few pages, only around 5-10 pages ,right?So,get my point ?This is the true definition of "study smart ,not study hard".Just study whatever that is coming out.Still, it is easier to say than to be done.One can employ several means to get the scope of the questions. Asking your teachers for example, could be a big help.( If your teachers are friendly that is ...) One can even try to predict what is coming out and simply memorize that certain part.( This, one needs to have some certain sixth sense to be able to do it.Apparently some of my friend DOES have this sixth sense lol)

Actually,it is not that hard to predict what is coming out judging on the rationale and logic of the subject.But still,this is sort of a risky gamble.Either you win all, or you lose it all.And the percentage of losing all is rather high.So, it comes down to these two options.Either you study like hell , or predict and study only those that you think will come out.Sure, the first option is definitely better, but if you are lack of time, which do you think would be better?I chose the middle path, a bit of this and that.Lets see how I will fare in my exam.

Today, I came across a rather interesting quote from a drama (Step of Dance , 8tv 7.00 p.m) that is "If you got problems , you must let it out, find someone to share it with.Happiness will only be doubled when you got someone to share it with, sadness will only be reduced if you got someone to listen to it " .True I guess...Though, I would rather be happier being a listener than doing the contrary.

This evening,I suddenly have a spur of desire to check out one of shakespeare's famous poem,Sonnet 18 and another one entitled Life Brief's Candle.Funny, why does it always seem that I am always late in admiring works of others?Anyway,it is simply entrancing.The poem,especially Life Brief's Candle is so true to it's meaning.Just take a look at it.

"   Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
It just reminds me of how short life is.One moment you might be having the happiest moment of your life and what did you know, it all turned into chaos in a split second.Life is short,enjoy it.

So,2morrow is my exam.That marks 3 weeks to suffer before it ends.So,be it.I shall endure,I shall persevere, and somehow, I shall gain happiness.Good luck to others too!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


When one study till extreme conditions,one need to take a break.
When one take a break, one will go blogging...
And when one go blogging and see other ppl tagging you,
One need to do the tagging!

Alright,skip the lameness. I just got tagged by kai chia ,and in this moment of boringness , I decided to do the tag since there is practically nothing interesting to be done.

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog

Starting time: 2355
Name: zen
Sisters: 1
Brothers: 0
Shoe size: Dunno.
Height: Dunno cm
Where do you live: Penang Island.
Favourite drinks: Milo Ais
Favourite breakfast: Anything that makes me full.

Have you ever
Been on a plane: Yes,when I was in my mom's womb.
Swam in the ocean: No
Fallen asleep at school:Everytime
Broken someone's heart: No gua ,ppl break my heart got la .. lol
Fell off your chair: Dunno
Saved e-mails: Yeah,but for official club purposes only.
What is your room like: My room is ... like a room.
What's right beside you: Air
What is the last thing you ate: Bak Kut Teh.

Ever had
Chicken pox: Yes.
Sore throat: Yes.
Stitches: No
Broken nose:No

Do you
Believe in love at first sight: No, coz i never had one... YET !
Like picnics: With friends? Yes! With families and relatives?NO!

Who was / were the last person
You danced with: Myself
Last made you smile: The Joker . ( u know the one in batman movie? )

Today did you
Talk to someone you like: No
Kissed anyone: No.
Get sick: No.
Talk to an ex: I don't have ex =.-
Miss someone: No
Eat: What is this question ? Can someone don't eat for a day ? I know i can't!

Best feeling in the world
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I don't have stuffed animals.

Is there a person who is on your mind now: No
Do you have any siblings: Yes.
Do you want children: Yes.
Do you smile often: Depends.
Do you like your hand-writing: No.
Are your toe nails painted: No.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:Hotel's King size master bed.
What color shirt are you wearing now: Red
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Sleeping like always.
When did you cry last: 2 seconds ago. ( jz jk, I forgot )
Are you a friendly person: Depends.
Do you have any pets: No
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: How do i know? I am not a stalker.
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: I hold hand with myself only. T_T
Do you sleep with the TV on: No
What are you doing right now: Doing this tag ?
Have you ever crawled through a window: No
Can you handle the truth: Sure,give me the biggest truth.
Are you too forgiving: Yea gua.
Are you closer to your mother or father: Mom
Who was the last person you cried in front of: Myself.
How many people can you say you've really loved: Dunno
Do you eat healthy: I eat to grow fat.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: I don't have an EX!!!! geez.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: No
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: Depends.
Are you confident: Depends

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. sleep
2. breath
3. sit down on chair
4. standing
5. sleep

5 things on my to-do list today
1. Study
2. Study
3. Study.
4. Study
5. Stop saying study and actually go study right now.

5 snacks I enjoy
1. Mister Potato
2. McFlurry!
3. Keropok Ikan
4. Keropok Udang
5. Pringles.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire [vision impossible lolx]
1. I will buy Malaysia and rule it.
2.Buy a lot of technological gadgets ( hi tech hp, com , stuffs like tat )
3. Buy a nice,big house,complete with swimming pool.gymnasium,spa and other exclusive features.
4. Donate to charity ( see I am a kind guy =D )
5. Learn all the skills. ( guitar,piano, vocal , play drum ,jap class,chinese class.. etc etc )

5 of my bad habits
1. MSN all the time.. ( though now i seem to hate it =.-)
2. Procrastinate to the max.
3. Lazy
4. Extreme mood swing.
5. Undecisive

5 places I have lived in
1. Malaysia
2. Australia
3. Penang
4. The White House.
5. George W Bush's house.( If you believe the last two location.....welll congrats u are a genius =D )

5 jobs I've had

5 people I tag
Whoever is reading this, I Tag you !

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Time Management.

Awh, one more week till SPM Trials. =.-. Last minute preparation.Way to go.... lol..Hope I can make it. Good luck for others having the similar test.As exam is approaching , this will be a very short update only.What I wanna stress is... TIME management is damn important! Lack of it and you will end up stressing yourself,trying to be a lifeless zombie devouring all the facts in matter of days =.-. (much like wat i am doing now). Frankly, I think with proper time management, one can enjoy life even when major exam is approaching. Why didn't I publish this post sooner and remind myself of it I wonder? Again, Good luck to all!

= Nuffnang =