
Sunday, July 1, 2012

End of First Year.

The sweltering oven-like temperature at night , occasional invasion of monkeys and flies , and not forgotten the pungent smell of the toilet . That would be roughly how a year spent in my hostel sounds like . Amidst all that , however we finally lived through that hellish year . And what made all these possible ? I would have to say it’s the roommates.

I am eternally grateful for my roommate this year. You see, since this is our first year , we are not given much choice on who or where we stay . You simply accepted what you were offered . In retrospect , none of us would never expect to made it through this semester . I certainly didn’t expect it. I remember the moment I got the news that I have been accepted to University of Malaya, I screamed. I literally screamed with excitement and joy . The atmosphere was electrifying .However , when the excitement dies down, comes trepidation and sense of anxiety . Then it turned into a brooding atmosphere. Those who are close enough to me would know that I am a deep thinker , or in a less flattering term , worrywart . I mean, I can really think , sometimes a little too much about every single trivial and important things . At that time , I was contemplating the worst case scenario , I am unfamiliar with KL ,heck I never even been there before , I have to stay with 2 other roommates ? What the heck , and it will only be a small room . Dang.

Then the day of departure came . At that time , I was unfortunately having eye disease and can barely open my left eye . When I went into my room , I saw a big , tall guy with his entire family . And oh boy , the room was freakishly small . We introduced ourselves and made some small talks . Then , we were relieved , for we thought it would only be the two of us , as it’s already 10 + am at that time when we are supposed to check in an hour earlier. To our surprise , our third roommate came , 2 hours later , alone , with only one luggage bag and laptop bag accompanying him .Well , still being sick at that time and with my lousy command of Mandarin , I barely spoke much to them in that orientation week.

However, that was then . How ironic it is , over time , we found out more about each other , and apparently we are quite matched in personalities and attitude . I have to say in the entire college , both of my roommates are among the craziest , funniest and friendly bunch . Even in universities , people form their own cliques , separate from them and form new ones. There are so much dramas even in just a mere first year. But I am glad , I survived them , and learnt some hard lessons along the way. Nevertheless ,I have the emphasized that during the ups and downs in this year , my roommates have never , ever been the cause of the bad times , and that they have always been there for me ( sometimes ) .Therefore , I am grateful , I must have done something good in the past life to be blessed with such luck .

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. It came early for this good thing . Merely a year , and we have already adjusted well to each other , yet the separation has to come . I wondered how would it be had we stayed together for 2 more years?

In just a blink of an eye , our 1st year as undergraduates junior have already ended ,and the long awaited 2 months break have arrived . Come the second year first semester , we will be given the right to choose our own roommates . I wished to stay together with these two roommates again , but the choice is not mine alone . Oh well , all good things will come to an end. But know this , eventhough you may not see this , but my memories spent with the two of you roommates will be etched forever in my brain , and I can only wish for all the best for both of you in the future ;) .

Now, with the end of my first year , I have a 2 months break to tinker with my life however I want it, and I am hoping to use it productively . Having survived this tumultuous first year , I can only pray and hope for the best for my second year and ahead. Hopefully , everything will be okay and the ride will be a smooth one. But hey , that’s the stuff I should be doing when I am about to enter second year .

For now, it’s time for the well-deserved HOLIDAY!!! Cheers people ;)

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