
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy , Merry Christmas ~

Howdy ! Hello there , good readers from all over the world :D , How are you doing today ? It’s Christmas eve !!!! Which means that most of you are out there , counting down for Christmas , or celebrating it one way or another either with friends , family or your beloved ones , right ? Aww .. Christmas , the season of forgiving , sharing , caring and giving . Anxious children waiting to unwrap the gifts under the mistletoes , equally anxious parents who hopes their children could sleep early so they could disguise themselves as a fat man with funny, white beard , and a potbelly to surprise their child , people attending Christmas Mass , strangers becoming friends , couples forgiving each other and being reunited . That’s what Christmas is really all about right ?
Unfortunately , yours truly never did get to experience any of those . Even now , as the clock hits 12 midnight , indicating the start of Christmas , there are people shouting and started celebrating already , yet I am here updating this nondescript blog . However , it does not necessarily mean that it’s a bad thing . In fact, I am loving it . I am loving the  feeling of having the freedom to do whatever I want in this space ( my room ) . The truth is , for the past few days , life have been moving on quite a fast pace . The past 2 days seems to have gone by in a blur. And now  , finally I have a bit of breathing room .

I like breathing space / room . I like the luxury of having time by my side , to have the freedom to ponder and wonder endlessly about the whatever nonsensical thoughts I have in my mind , to reflect on the past and also to think about the future . Therefore , for me , I would say that freedom of time is the ultimate luxury in the world . Not money , not the other materialistic things that can provide conveniences , not even fame and glory . The ultimate luxury is without a doubt , freedom . In retrospect , I have been very lucky to be blessed with freedom of choice in most of my life . Being born in a middle-income family , materialistic things that could provide luxury are but a distant dream . Growing up , I have always yearned for those “luxuries” that other more privileged kids have . Branded gadgets , better mattresses , air-con , and a whole lot more of gadgets which I used to view as the ultimate luxuries money can buy .

However , as I grow older and wise up a little , I start to be more appreciative of the power of freedom . I still remember the marvelous feeling of thrill and euphoria I had when I slept at my own room for the first time . As the night falls  and  the only door that leads to my room closes, the faint moonlights sneaks in through the translucent blue curtain and  the subtle sound of the rotating Panasonic fan breaks the stillness of the room , emphasizing that me and only me alone exists in this room . I love the thought of that . At night , I would always imagine that this whole room is my territory , my area , my entire world , and I am the king and ruler of this world .

It is at these kind of moments that I truly cherish the power of solitude . Usually , the word solitude is associated with a negative connotation , i.e life of solitude = life without friends , forever alone , etc  , however for me , I believe that when you’re alone , that’s when you’re able to concentrate and bring out your biggest potential . I do not know about the rest , but I am pretty sure I thrive in a quiet environment , working by myself , devoid of any external disturbances . When I am alone , I tend to be able to think about things I normally not able to think of and able to produce more efficient and effective work . Perhaps that explains why introverts are so successful ? Speaking about introverts , one book that is definitely worth checking out is this :  “ Quiet “  by Susan Cain as she explores in great details about the power of introverts .

But I digressed . Recently , I have reflected on a lot of things . These few days reflection had me re-examining my principle of friendship , and discovering my own weakness . About the latter , I find myself not walking my own talk . You see, I have been a great advocate of change . I look down on complacency and advocates change whenever it’s possible as I felt that change and subsequently continuous improvement is the key to greater success . Yet , in recent days , I have not been changing much . I had a goal in mind 2 years ago , a road map of change so to speak , so that I could continuously challenge myself in various grounds and improve as much as possible . However , the progress of that plan is not quite as well as it should have been . In fact , it seems to have reached a plateau and becoming stagnant , which is very depressing . Being a guy who dreams big and talking big about importance of changes and self-improvement all the time , not doing the action is kinda counter-productive and saddening .

Next , recent events have also forced me to re-examine my friendships . I consider myself a very complicated person , as I am both extrovert and introvert at the same time . When I am being extrovert , I mixed around a lot , and thus have joined a few different cliques . But the problem is , with so many different cliques , each of them are special in their own way and all of them are friends with varying degree of closeness , I find it hard sometimes to find the time to entertain them . Perhaps “entertain” would not be best word to describe it , as when you’re with friends , you are supposed to be having fun and enjoying it right ?
Example of cliques

That’s what I thought too . Don’t be mistaken . I LOVE hanging out with friends and talking about everything under the sun in a kopitiam or café all day long . That’s life . However , the thing is , once you have a lot of cliques of friends , you will need to catch up with them on a different day or time , as more often than not , the cliques don’t mix . * e.g perhaps you have a clique of friends who loves shopping , and another clique of friends who love outdoor activity , they don’t really mix right ? * To make matters worst , money and time are limited resources , and I can’t really be spending time with different kind of cliques every single day . That , coupled with the fact that sometimes. the introvert part of myself just want to enjoy being in my cosy little home whole day . Thus , this brings us to a hard dilemma of prioritizing who to go out with .

Of course , the obvious solution being just hang out and connect with your closest best gang of friends and ignore the rest , allocating the rest of the time for yourself . And that’s what I have been doing for quite some time . Yet , there are times when you thought of this particular clique of friends and go “ oh , it’s been a long time since I last catch up with them “ , and then the question of whether of not you should initiate the gathering or hang out arises . I strongly believe friends , true friends especially are the best assets one could have . 

Some people view friends as networks that they could potentially exploit in the future as some of them may turn out to be politicians , leaders or even some influential figures that are forces to be reckoned with . And they may think that by getting close to them now , they would be able to take advantage of these connections that they have build up now . However , friends are friends , they are not “networks “ which are treated as benefits or liabilities according to what they can provide . True , some friends may be able to offer help in specific aspects in the future , and I have no qualms about people thinking of exploiting friends this way , however to rate friends according to what they can provide in the future is just despicable .

True friends are value over their loyalty and bonds that have survived the test of time . They are the people who know you well enough to be able to talk comfortably about your idiosyncrasies and patterns. They are the people whom you share your troubles , problems and secrets . They are the people who will be there for you , when the rest of the world left .
That being said , I am still having dilemma whenever I got an invitation to go out , because a part of me , really wants to just stay home for a few months and concentrate on making progresses . But then again , it’s all my choice right ? And once again I am grateful for this freedom to choose . * Friendship post inspired by this article in the star titled "Recipe for leadership" *

In a bid not to end this post in a solemn note , I shall wish you readers ( if there are any ) a Happy , Merry Christmas ! May you be able to celebrate this eventful events with your beloved ones with joy , happiness and love ~ But , if in the event of you failing to find anyone to celebrate it with , hey , no sweats , you can still celebrate it alone :D  . Cherish the moment of solitude and remember , you are not alone in celebrating it alone . Cheers !!! Merry Christmas peeps ~

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= Nuffnang =