
Saturday, April 5, 2008

A life journey.

As i went on in this life journey,i found out that nothing is permanent.Ah well.. what a life i am having.Every day , i have been day dreaming.Envying others for their great,happy life.I wonder if it is just me?or does everyone else did the same thing?I wonder...

Either way,only now.. only this year..... only this year do i started emphasizing on everything i am supposed to care about!Educations,Friends,Love?(perhaps?:P ) and everything else.But it is useless to weep and lament towards my foolishness in the past.True enough , i have done a lot of mistakes in the past.And i have much regrettable things too in the past.

However,all these memories,either sweet or sour ones .. they shall remained buried in the past.Life is an ongoing process...We can't change the past.If we were be able to go back to the past and change it, then wouldn't it be defying the law of nature?And with that , i decide that we should just move on...Though the everlasting memories will forever be embedded in my heart...

One of my friends recent post was about him and his friends in the past.Upon reading it,i was touched somehow.How true it is.... I once have a similar story too.I had a bunch of friends last time during primary school.And we were schoolmates even until now.In f2,conflicts happened.And the bond between me and one of my friends fell apart due to some immature misunderstandings...Wif that , we don't talk at all for nearly 2 years or so..Ever since that incident,we would often try our best to avoid contacts wif each other.And even if we did meet , we would just ignore each other.

The strange thing is .. around f3 or so.. i met him again in a tuition center.As peculiar as it might sound, the moment i met him,we hugged each other.(OMG?True story! and theres nothing wrong wif guys hugging guys lolx though i would prefer hugging gals aherm* ^^)And wif that , we apologized to each other over the conflict that happened last time.(We beated the crap out of each other ^^ ) Finally,after two long years of fighting ... we end up being friends again . And eventually the bond of friendship is formed once more.This is truly a life-changing experience.After that, i vow not to have any of my bonds with my friends to be severed again.

Because friends... are what shaped us to be what we are now.Friends are those that contributed in our success today..Friends are... those that care about us and support us.... Thats what true friends are..So, to those readers out there, do take care of your friendship carefully .They are very important.Don't let some small misunderstanding to severe the eternal connection you have with your friends.

Finally,thanks to all my friends ~ U make me who i am today ^^ thanks ^^

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= Nuffnang =