Yesterday is a moody day =.-. Reasons? Easy because my extravagant little sis finally bought a handphone. ZOMG for god sake , she is just in standard 6!!!!! and she bought a RM 500++ hp ? O which btw is BETTER THAN MINE!!!!!! Nvm ,being a great brother, i ignored the fact that she got a better hp than mine for now . BUt the thing is Wth ler , she is JUST STANDARD 6!!!!! Back when i was standard 6 , i don't even KNOW what is handphone. ... Ok that is exaggerating . I just don't have anything when i am standard 6. She got computer and handphone now =.=.
Alright nvm then.. I guess time has changed.Kids nowadays deserve to have their own computer and handphone when they are 10 years old or so.Who knows, next time we will see the babies will be getting laptops when they are born.
Either way, enough complaining about my sis's extravagant lifestyle.Though i did get a benefit from her purchase of sony ericsson K530i hp. That is... I get to use her hp's 2 Mp camera :P . Actually it was quite a bargain. SE K530i with 1 GB memory card for only RM 540 .What do you guys think? Worth it ?:P Ok finally i get to shoot something woo hoo. So here are some pictures ^^ enjoy XD
This is what i have to deal with until december this year =.-....
1 comment:
Your sister isn't the youngest to have handphone..LoLx
I heard there's even six year olds having handphones.
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